Dukaan is an upcoming Hindi drama film directed by Siddharth Singh and Garima Wahal. The movie revolves around the story of Jasmine, a young woman who embarks on a courageous journey as a surrogate mother, providing relief to couples facing fertility issues
Here are some key details about the film:
- Release Date: April 5, 2024 (India).
- Runtime: Approximately 2 hours and 2 minutes.
- Language: Hindi.
- Monika Panwar as Jasmine.
- Sikandar Kher as Sumer.
- Insane Ashraf.
- Soham Majumdar as Armaan.
- Monali Thakur as Diya.
- Vrajesh Hirjee as Pramod Trivedi.
Plot Summary:
- Jasmine becomes a surrogate mother, offering hope to couples struggling with fertility challenges.
- Set in Gujarat, the film delves into the emotional and complex journey of surrogacy.
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