Trap (2024), directed by M. Night Shyamalan, is a psychological thriller set during a pop concert. It blends suspense, horror, and music to deliver a gripping narrative centered around a hidden serial killer amidst thousands of concertgoers.
The story follows Cooper (Josh Hartnett), a loving father with a dark secret—he's "The Butcher," a notorious serial killer. Cooper takes his daughter Riley to a concert, only to be caught in a trap set by the FBI, who are hunting him down.
The film is unique in its setting, unfolding at a live concert. Pop star Lady Raven (Saleka Shyamalan) performs as Cooper maneuvers through the event, using the chaos of the venue to his advantage.
Cooper's character is complex. Outwardly a caring father, he’s revealed as a sociopathic murderer. This duality drives much of the tension, as the FBI closes in while he remains steps ahead
Lady Raven plays a pivotal role. As the concert star, she unknowingly becomes Cooper’s key to escape, but her awareness and actions shift the balance as the thriller unfolds
In typical Shyamalan fashion, the movie delivers a major twist: Cooper’s wife Rachel orchestrated the trap, leading to his capture. The revelation adds emotional weight to the film’s climax
Trap explores themes of deception, manipulation, and the lengths one will go to escape justice. Cooper’s constant evasion of law enforcement while maintaining his fatherly façade adds layers of psychological tension.
Josh Hartnett shines as Cooper, balancing charm and menace. Supporting performances, especially from Saleka and Alison Pill (Rachel), further enhance the emotional stakes of the film
Critics have offered mixed reviews, praising Hartnett’s performance and the film’s originality but critiquing the uneven pacing and lack of tension in some concert scenes